Wednesday 16 November 2011

Web design

Understanding of web coding protocols.
The main usage of a web browser is a quick version of retrieving, presenting and transferring information sources off the world wide web (WWW) you also cannot see a website without one. Once you have completed your search/put in the appropriate words to search, the browser will then come up with pages of hyperlinks to hundreds of different pages that the browser thinks will benefit you. Examples of web browser would be, Google being a very popular one, and then others including Bing, MSN etc.
There is quite a lot of common web coding language; HTML: Hyper text mark up language.
XHTML: Extensive hyper text mark up language.
CSS: Cascode style sheets.
HTML is basically coding that is included to create a webpage. An example of HTML:






The head in the HTML coding is the bit that includes the title meta data- javascript. Then the body is how it looks/decorated, this includes thing like the font type and size, what colours are in it and then if you have any pictures or images featuring on the page.  

When it comes to publishing your page onto the internet you should use an FTP which stands for: File transfer protocol;  this is a way of uploading data onto a server; this sends big files that would take too long to upload using a smaller server.  This type of transfer protocol will only send things, you will not receive anything back.
Web authoring or WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get. Web authoring is when you use a software, using an HTML coding the web site that you are creating will then be based around completely depending on what is put into the coding hence WYSIWYG; what you put in determines what you get out of it. 

A good way of promoting a website is S.E.O; this is a technique which helps the search engine i.e. Google, Bing etc to rank your website compared to any other. This task is performed by a piece of software, called a crawler or a spider. A good way of getting your web page seen is putting obvious words in it that would be are commonly searched. Another is to misspell, this is very common and will more than likely get you more searches than if you put other words in spelt correctly.
Social media optimisation is a method of social activity with the intent of attracting visitors to the website.

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